Wednesday, June 14, 2006

growing every day

By the time this gets posted, the people that read this will know that my wife, Julie and I are expecting our third child. There is nothing in the world, not even marriage, that sanctifies a person like being a parent. I know that marriage is the beginning of sanctification, but it's nothing compared to the humility and dependence on God you hopefully build as a parent.
It's a real challenge, because as far as my daughters are concerned, I hung the moon in the sky. I have the great experience of coming home every day, and having my 4-year old and my 1-year old come running to me as a come into the door (insert Ward Cleaver's picture here). But the real sanctification comes when you fail your children. I hate being a sinner and having to repent to a couple of toddlers who think you're the greatest thing since sliced bread. It's even harder when you add the fact that a 4-year old and a 1-year old could care less if YOU DO REPENT. In their world, if it hasn't happened in the last two minutes, it hasn't happened. But, I as their father, know better. I believe that it's imperative that as a parent, I teach my children not only the importance of obeying God, but the consequences of not obeying God. Those consequences include seeking forgiveness from the person you've wronged, and seeking the forgiveness of God.
So... you ask, why would I make my day even harder by having more children when I'm enough of a sinner to struggle with repenting to two children. It's really easy - it's because I love them, and I've learned that my love for my two children will not decrease with a third. Instead, my heart will somehow grow bigger and more love will grow in my heart with a third child.

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