I'm probably going to be mocked until the end of time for the source and motivation of this entry, but I guess that I need to be secure enough in what I believe to realize that the source of the entry is not the issue here - it's the issue behind that source.
Last week on "The View", there was a very heated discussion over the morning-after pill. Now, let me clarify.... I DO NOT WATCH "THE VIEW". I stumbled onto this clip from the newest "hip" place on the web - Youtube.com. It's quite a site, but perhaps I'll delve into that at a later time.
As I watched the clip and watched the discussion ensue, one comment that was made struck me even more than what the whole conversation was about. The comment was made that it is important that when controversial topics arise, that our society be willing to sit down and hear out both sides of the arguement. Barbara Walters said that we shouldn't get worked up or passionate about our beliefs. That, more than anything else said, struck me as a terrible condemnation on where our society is headed. To think that we should begin to work towards calm, cool and collected dialogue on issues, but eliminate the passion with which we hold the beliefs were trying to share scares me to death.
I believe that without passion, we begin to lose an aspect of our humanity. One of the great gifts that we have been given by God is the ability to hold beliefs and share beliefs with conviction. God tells us that our faith in Christ must permeate every aspect of our life, that it must be the reason for everything we do. He tells us to be ready with the answer of why we do what we do. How can such beliefs, such answers, such a faith be void of passion?
Another thing that was conveyed was the concept that we should be almost universalist in our responses to others. We should be able to dialogue and accept the points of view that everyone else has. This, too, is a scary concept, and a concept that requires an incredible balance of mind. We somehow have to love those around us, despite their beliefs and lifestyles, yet we are also called to be "salt and light", showing others around us, believers and unbelievers, the truth of the Gospel, and the fact that our belief in the Gospel passionately explains all of our other beliefs as well.
Removing passion removes humanity, and I pray that I'm never without passion in all I believe.
DATELINE 8/11/06 - I apologize for the link at the top of my blog. For some reason, the video was removed from Youtube.com at some point after I posted the original post.
I believe you, John. Do they have "Thirty-Something" episodes on YouTube also?
You have a true blog! Great work!
Say, I just wanted to thank you also for visiting movieEVERYday.com today. Your readership is much appreciated.
movie critic for movieEVERYday.com
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