Wednesday, August 09, 2006


I will confess, that in many ways, I am a very selfish and somewhat self-centered person. And, when things happen to other people around me, but the first think I look at is how those things affect me - even before I look at how those things affect others around me. To me, that is the epitome of selfishness, but it's who I am - a selfish sinner.
Here's the story.... a guy in my office ran for judge in yesterday's election, and he won. He's a Christian man who, I believe, has always had nothing but God's wisdom and calling at the forefront of his mind. God has blessed him - after a prior attempt which resulted in a loss, he won handily in the election, and hopefully, will take the bench soon. So how does that impact me? It impacts me this way - he's a higher level employee, and the fact that he's leaving will create an opening, which could result in a promotion for me. Sounds good so far? Well, that's only the good part. You see, the bad part is, to even arrive at the point where the promotion is possible, I have to confront my boos. I have to do that, because I've been passed over for a couple promotions, and I really believe that I need to know why (OK, even typing that is hard. It's so humbling, and hard to admit to on paper). My boss is one of the worst people in the world when it comes to human interaction, and talking with him is right up there with a root canal, without novacaine!
So, when the guy from my office wins the election, my first thought is - YUCK! Now I have to ponder and consider doing something that is unpleasant. Even though I supported the guy's campagin, my life would be easier if he'd lost - hence we arrive at the point of my self-centered attitudes.
It stinks being sinful. And it stinks even more when my sin gets in the way of the joy and happiness that I should have for others. It reminds me how my life is intertwined with so many other lives, and how God teaches me and convicts me through what happens, not only to me, but so many people around me.

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