Sunday, November 05, 2006

the real battle

One of the things that I've wanted to do in the past couple months, but that I haven't found the time to do, is to use my blog for posting my thoughts on sermons I hear each week. I think it will challenge me not only to listen better, but to go back and consider the applications of them as I go through the subsequent weeks and months.
Today's sermon was focused on the battle that rages in our world every day. It's a battle that shows itself in many ways, and through many different vessels, but the battle itself is a spiritual battle - the most basic between good and evil. We may see the battle as the battle that we face tomorrow - a political battle. It can be a battle that I sometimes feel I fight at work - a battle to justify my job and the things I do every tday.
The important thing though, is to see the battle for what it is - a battle for our souls and for the souls of those around us. Many in the battle have already surrendered to one side or the other, but their are others who are struggling still between the two sides. Those people need prayer and encouragement. We as Christians appear to have made a decision in the battle - choosing Christ, but the fact of the matter is - even with that decision having been made, the battle lines can be even closer to the forefront. I certainly have seen in my life, where because I am a Christian, I fight battles that those who aren't believers don't even know exist. Sin and temptation are so different for me as a believer. I look at my life, and see struggles with sin in things such as gossip, not loving my family or co-workers as I should, or not committing myself to regular time of reading Scripture. To someone who isn't a beliver, those aren't battles at all, so the battle is a different one for each person.
The thing that I gleaned out of the sermon though, was that despite what battles and how strongly they are being fought, the grace of Christ overcomes those battles, and frankly, if we don't trust that He will, we belittle His work and His power. That was something that struck me quite clearly. I realize how in my life, so many day to day battles are battles that I choose to fight on my own. I don't think that Christ has time for my work struggles or my frustrations with my children at bedtime. Those are things that I need to work through - NOT! I need to trust in Christ's work and strength for those battles as well, and I need to look for guidance in prayer and Scripture to use His strength to get me through the "little" battles each and every day.

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